Mbr stirs Ferndale wrath

The pitchforks are out in one Welsh village after a recent mbr article angered local residents. The BBC has reported some residents feel anger at…

Donny does Dels Forcats

As I type this, it’s p***ing with rain outside and summer seems to have retreated back into it’s cave. So, to help pull us out…

Dalby Forest shout out

We've just had a note from Adrian Carter at Pace, regarding our Top 10 Trail Centres feature.

Glentress to open family descent

Glentress will see a new 1.5km descent open this Friday (25 April) aimed at novices and families and making up part of the new blue…

Raven Trail to open in May

Trail building at Brechfa Forest has come to a close with the completion of the much-anticipated 20km Raven black run, due to open to the…

Dales shun 4x4s

The sharp acrid stench of two-stroke and diesel on otherwise tranquil byways is now a thing of the past on eight ‘green lanes’ in the…

An all-weather section of the red route trail in Stainburn Forest has opened costing £20,000 and aimed at both intermediate and advanced riders, the Forestry…

Wild Trails seeks cycle co-ordinator

The South West’s Wild Trails Initiative is looking to fill the role of Cycling Project Co-ordinator in SW England, offering you the chance to make…

Top 10 Trail Centres

We're currently researching a feature on the Top 10 British Trail Centres, and we want your input!

Garburn Coordinates

Click here to find the coordinates for our Jan 2008 Classic Killer competition.