There's an election on, you know

There’s a general election happening in the UK on Thursday Decmeber 12th. You may have noticed. How does cycling fare in the parties’ promises?

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In alphabetical order…

Brexit Party

No mention of cycling whatsoever.


General funding:  £70m per year.

“Bikeability training for every child”.

More trials of cycling-on-prescription ie. GPs getting patients on bikes to help with mental illnesses.

A “long-term cycling programme and budget like the roads programme and budget, though of course smaller”.

Not specifically about cycling but… “We will make intentional trespass a criminal offence.”


General funding: £2.5bn per year.

New housing must incorporate high-quality walking, cycling and public transport routes.

Subsidised purchase schemes for e-bikes, cargo bikes and “non-standard bikes”.

Improvements to cycle access with regards to public transport.

“A reliable, high-quality national cycle network to link up town and country”.


General funding: £7.2bn per year.

Subsidised purchases (approx £200 grant) for e-bikes.

Assistace with an “e-bike valley” industrial zone (similar to that of Portugal).

Bikeability for all primary school kids (plus secondary school kids and adult eligibility too).

Aim to double cycling by kids and adults by 2025.

More trials of cycling-on-prescription.

Setting up of a “cycling and walking social investment fund” for “left-behind areas”.

Liberal Democrat

General funding: 10% of the transport budget.

The Liberal Democrat manifesto is surprisngly scant on detail or mentions of cycling. But there is: “A national strategy to promote cycling and walking, including the creation of dedicated safe cycling lanes”.