As of today, modest group rides are allowed again. Up to six people can meet outdoors for either socialising or exercise. The 'stay local' advice has also been rescinded.

Needless to say, due to variation in restrictions based upon different parts of the country, you’ll need to double-check what the rules are for both where you live and where you might be contemplating riding.

As of today, modest group rides are allowed again. Up to six people can meet outdoors for either socialising or exercise. There is no longer any formal or informal time limit or distance limit upon rides either.

The ‘stay local’ advice has also been dropped. But the restrictions about crossing borders remain. So you still are not permitted to drive – or cycle – across the England-Wales border (unless for work reasons or ‘reasonable excuse’).

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Cycling UK have perhaps the best advice for how all cyclists should proceed as of today: “Cycling UK therefore encourages people to continue to cycle for exercise during the current lockdown, but to do so in a manner which minimises risk. In the absence of specific regulation on how far they can travel, cyclists should use their common sense: for example, avoiding crowded or narrow routes where social distancing is difficult to maintain, but also bearing in mind that you may put others at risk if you suffer an injury or mechanical problem far from home and require rescue. To minimise unnecessary travel, start and end your rides at home if this is practical; however, common sense may dictate that travelling a short distance to a more suitable location is reasonable.

“Cyclists should still observe good hygiene, and Cycling UK advises leaving plenty of space when passing others, and to avoid pulling in rapidly after overtaking another cyclist, causing them to end up in your slipstream. Cycling UK’s advice remains that it is advisable for people to cycle for their health, fitness and well-being. The guidance for avoiding contamination remains unchanged, keeping at least two metres away from anyone else where possible, regularly washing your hands and catching coughs and sneezes in tissues and disposing of them appropriately as soon as possible.”