Just remembered someone? Something still not arrived in the post? Worried you've not someone enough? Here are a handful of immeidate answers to your dilemma.

Whatever the reason may be, it’s a common occurence for someone to need a last-minute Christmas present for someone. Here are a few solid-gold no-fail options that will arrive in time… mainly because they don’t have to physically arrive at all!

Gift voucher for bike stuff

The obvious option. And with good reason; what mountain biker doesn’t want to spend money on their bike? Answer: none. You can get gift vouchers from pretty much all bike shops and cycle retailers but we’re going to go with the safe bet: Chain Reaction Cycles. There’s a reason they are the number one MTB online retailer. There’s still no one else who offers the range of stuff and the rate of value that CRC do. Pre-set Gift Vouchers are available from £1.00 (who on Earth gives £1?) all the way up to £100. There’s also the option of dictating the amount of your choice.

Chain Reaction Gift voucher details

A space on an uplift day

Even if the world is currently still in Covid-induced stasis, there is still an option to book an open-ended slot of an uplift service at the venue of your choice. We’ve chosen BikePark Wales in South Wales and Adrenaline Uplift in the Tweed Valley of Scotland as our two choices. If you want a different area, go check out our guide to all UK mountain bike uplift venues and get Googling.

Uplift pass for Adrenaline Uplift, Tweed Valley Scotland

Uplift pass for Bikepark Wales, South Wales

Subscription to the best mountain bike mag out there

Check out our current subscription deals

Obviously everyone should already be subscribed to MBR but in case you know someone who isn’t – or know that their subscription is about ot exprire – then check out out current offer: you can savean extra 10% on the sub deal by using the code LASTMIN10 by the way. What are you waiting for?

Happy Christmas to you all!