Pedal Progression and the Ashton Court Trail Advocacy Group need help for ambitious project

Pedal Progression and the Ashton Court Trail Advocacy Group need help for ambitious project to date from Wednesday 9th to Friday 18th October 2019.

>>> Nominate now in the MBR Trail of the Year 2019 in association with SRAM

They want to resurface from the hole in the wall on Beggar Bush lane all the way down to the miniature railway – highlighted in purple on the map below (linking the two sections refurbished in December 2018). As ever, more help means more berms, rollers and a lovely flowing feature-rich trail.

At circa. 1400m this will be the longest section we have ever attempted to restore. It also has the potential to be the most complicated. Due to access restrictions in place to protect the rare species and habitats adjacent to the trail, work will be undertaken in three distinct phases:

  • Early August, Architrail put in dumps of stone along the trail to keep the length of barrow pushes to a minimum.
  • Early October, Architrail will be in to prepare the surface.
  • 9th-18th October, volunteer days, building lots of lovely features

In March this year 70 volunteer/days of effort went into the 900m Quarry Trail project. The two Beggar Bush Lane sections completed in December 2018 were of a similar scale. This suggests we need about 100 volunteer/days for the 1400m of trail repairs planned for this October.

Due to H&S, the minimum age of volunteers is 16.