With over 750 donators

Once again the mountain biking community has shown how wonderful and charitable it really is as it came to the rescue of paralysed trials rider Martyn Ashton.

Yesterday afternoon, Martyn Ashton posted on Facebook that he was planning on selling the Colnago road bike he used in Road Bike Party 2. He described it as “a beautiful bike from a film [he] dearly loves” and “a tiny piece of cycling history”.

Despite his affection for the bike he needed valuable funds for physiotherapy, house mods and adapted gym equipment.

Ashton’s Facebook fans decided they wanted Ashton to keep the bike but still be able to have the best rehabilitation possible so they convinced him to set up an GoFundMe page.

>>> Watch Martyn Ashton ride again on an ebike

GoFundMe is a personal crowdfunding page that does not require a product or idea like Kickstarter or IndieGoGo. Ashton set a funding target of £7,000 but within two hours over 750 people have donated a total of over £12,000.

This money means Martyn will e able to keep the bike and have the best possible care as he continues his rehab program. He reacted with a post that simply said, “speechless…”.

The GoFundMe page is still open and if you want to donate you can do so here.