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The latest issue of MBR is out now, packed full of inspiring ideas and route maps to help you find new places to get out and ride.
What about the magazine itself? Here’s a taste of what you’ll find inside…
Trail centre focus: Sherwood Pines With a nod to Robin Hood, Sherwood Pines takes in the rich forest landscape and gives out smooth, blisteringly fast singletrack
Ben MacDhui, Cairngorms We go in search of ghouls this month, and the legend of the Big Grey Man of Ben MacDhui, but only find miles of mountainous singletrack and a proper adventure
Wild riding, The world What are the world’s most remote riding destinations? The wildest trails on earth? Our inspirational list snakes from the tip of Chile to the heights of Nepal: and rest assured, there’s no iPhone coverage on any of them
3D printed bike A carbon fibre, 3D printed bike, built to your own specification and body size
First Rides On board the world’s longest and slackest bike: it can only be the Mojo Geometron. Plus Trek’s Fuel EX Plus, the Jamis Komodo, and Pivot’s new carbon fibre Switchblade
Longtermers Smurthwaite tries the pricer version of the BMC Speedfox, JD revels in
his Nukeproof’s raw speed, Charlie converts the Genesis to tubeless and Danny slims down his Orbea tyres
Product Testing We review the Stan’s Bravo enduro wheelset, Kask’s first MTB lid, clothing from Fox, Altura and Giordana and the best budget flat pedals ever to grace mbr
Clipless trail pedals All the benefits of a clipless pedal, twinned with some flat pedal platform support: Crank Bros, Shimano, Time and more tested
£1,000 bike test Yes you really can get a great full-suspension bike for £1,000. Can the Calibre Bossnut fend off the likes of Giant, GT, Boardman and VooDoo in our budget bike test?
Trials skills part 2 Improve your regular riding by focussing on slow-speed trials skills: you’ll look pretty cool too if you can nail these tricks
Rail every corner Cornering is the most important skill you’ll ever learn on a bike – we show you how to keep your speed and control, every time
Workshop: Cane Creek Cane Creek’s Double Barrel shock has a high level of tuning…and a big chance of getting it wrong: we show you how to set it up right
Big Pictures
Real-world riding
Born-again rider
Reader photos
Ride guide
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