After 26 years and 334 printed issues, MBR is going 100% online.
It feels weird writing this, but after 26 years and 334 issues, the last issue of mbr will hit the newsstands this Wednesday 11th October. Although we are incredibly thankful to still have many loyal readers and subscribers out there, the dramatic rise in print, paper, and distribution costs in the last year has made producing a physical magazine unsustainable.
I’ve been here for 270 of those issues, and at the helm for 101. But like any great journey, the stats only tell a fraction of the story. It’s the experiences and the people I’ve met along the way that really stand out. And in the same way that every amazing trail is full of ups and downs, there has been plenty of hard work, and a fair bit of stress, but the rewards and the buzz have been intense.

Just a handful of the 334 covers we’ve created
At the risk of sounding like one of those cringy awards speeches, there are many people I’d like to thank for their help creating the magazine over the years. Not least staff members Alan Muldoon, Jamie Darlow, and Ben Smith. Then there are all the contributors, former colleagues and previous editors; you’ve all played your part in making mbr a brand that’s deeply embedded in mountain biking culture.
And, of course, I’d like to thank you, the reader, for all your support over the years buying the magazine. Whether a casual reader or devoted subscriber, it’s been wonderful having you along for the ride. But wait, as one path ends, another one begins, and for mbr an exciting new chapter is just starting. Alan, Jamie, and I will now be concentrating our efforts on producing the same great content entirely online, both here at and on our YouTube channel @mbrmagazine. Expect more of the best testing, advice, and insight in the business, with weekly videos and daily news. It’s an exciting new direction for us, and we’d love you to join us.
Danny Milner
Subscribers should have already received an email by now, so if you haven’t (and it’s not languishing in your junk mail) this is what you need to know:
Since mbr will no longer be available as a magazine, you can choose to transfer your remaining subscription balance to FourFourTwo, Golf Monthly or Rugby World and you’ll receive your first issue in November. To make your choice, simply contact us on +44(0) 330 333 1113, or email and quote your account number.
If you do not choose an alternative magazine then your remaining balance will transfer to FourFourTwo and your subscription will commence with issue #359 on-sale 16th November. As you pay by Direct Debit or Continuous Credit Card, your subscription will continue at the same great rate. FourFourTwo is driven by access, insight, passion and humour. Through collaborating with the best players, the biggest brands and most talented journalists, FourFourTwo tells great football stories to fans and players alike.
Should you require any further assistance or would not like your subscription transferred, please call us on +44 (0) 330 333 1113 by 23rd October for a refund for any unmailed issues. If you already have a subscription to FourFourTwo, your subscription will be extended. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support.