In't riding brilliant?
Have a watch and try telling people that electric mountain bikes have no place on the trails. I know one man who would definitely be in favour of them. Electric or pedal-assist bikes are a bit of a controversial subject amongst mountain bikers but for many they are a way of accessing the sport we all love.
Read more: Best electric mountain bikes – join the riding revolution!

Can you still ride at 80? Hell yeah!
Enter Chris. Chris is 80 years young. He also happens to be my Dad.
Now then, Chris had always been very active but a few very unpleasant medical issues had put the brakes on any physical exercise. Unable to walk more than a few metres without getting out of breath, he won’t mind admitting he was getting a bit down with it all. But one thing had kept him going, a brief hundred metre spin on an eMTB at Bike Park Wales.
What if this could be just what he needed to get back out there..?
What started out as an experiment to see if an eMTB could help him access his beloved countryside again quickly turned into two days of pure, unadulterated enjoyment. From newbie to trail centre rider in a few short hours, the EndurOAP is born.
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