Mountain biker in Bristol? Time to give something back to the trails
The time has come once again when Pedal Progression are on the lookout for volunteers to give up their time to help the trails.
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Situated practically in the heart of Bristol, Ashton Court trails are a popular destination for West Country riders with many Bristol based bikers enjoying the fun if compact trails running around Ashton Court stately home. Up until recently maintenance and building had been funded by Bristol local government but sadly, due to budget cuts, this is no longer the case.
In order to keep the trails running as well as they can any maintenance and building has relied on generous donations and a small army of volunteers to aid trail advocacy organisation Pedal Progression to keep the trails open.
Pedal Progression press release
Thanks to generous donations, cost priced work from trail builders Architrail and a donation of 100 tonnes of stone from Tarmac two key areas of the trail network can finally get the vital maintenance they need. But with tonnes of stone needing to be lifted and shifted around various parts of the trails Pedal Progression are looking for around one hundred volunteers to help make the work possible. By volunteering your time you will not only be ensuring the continued maintenance of these fun trails but also help build new sections, making Ashton Court even better than before.

The new areas to be worked on are highlighted in purple.
If it sounds like something you want to take part in, then volunteers are needed to help barrow stone on Wednesday 28th, Thursday 29th and Friday 30th November, working in conjunction with the diggers. The task will then need finishing off, with another three days of barrowing the finishing materials on Monday 3rd, Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th December.
If you can help – and even better if you want to bring a friend or two – then please get in touch then please contact Chris who is a member of the Ashton Court Trail Consultation Group and is voluntarily going to be managing the barrow team. You can email him at
“We know that this is an audacious plan but if people are willing, we can pull it off and have two awesome new trail sections ready for Christmas! Wouldn’t that be a great Christmas gift to the Bristol MTB community!? Please, find time and get stuck in. Please share this on your social platforms too, so that we can get as many volunteers as is possible. Many hands make light work.
Thank you,
Matt, Sam & Ollie
Pedal Progression