Shimano XT Di2 versus the Scottish Highlands
How does Di2 stand up to 250km of soggy singletrack?
How does Di2 stand up to 250km of soggy singletrack?
Watch Matt Hunter and Thomas Vanderham bzzt-click their way from Bonar Bridge to Applecross in a beautifully shot video that will get you plotting your own Scottish adventure.
>>> Seven reasons Scottish mountain biking is amazing
Matt Hunter and Thomas Vanderham in the northern highlands of Scotland (Pic: Sterling Lorence)
Shimano and Anthill Films have just released a new vid called ‘On Wandering’. It’s essentially to promote Shimano XT Di2 electronic shifting but the film is pretty light on the tech close-ups and marketing blather.
There’s a few bzzz-clik noises here and there (the telltale sign of electronic shifting) but that’s about it.
In terms of promoting XT Di2, the final title of the stats of the trip do the job: 7 days of riding, 250km of singletrack, 60 hours of riding, only 5% battery used. Fair do’s.
It’s actually a really nice video of remote singletrack riding.
Plenty of puddles, plenty of bouldery singletrack, plenty of bothy action, plenty of fairly pretentious voiceover, plenty of river crossings (the one at 2min 41sec is a bit OTT and presumably only in there to showcase Di2’s waterproofing!)
Matt Hunter and Thomas Vanderham in the northern highlands of Scotland (Pic: Sterling Lorence)
If you’re not in the mood for er, mood then fast forward to the 2min 50sec mark which is were the proper riding footage begins.
If you have the time and inclination for a bit of daydreaming and wanderlust then watch the whole vid. It’s only 4min 33secs long after all.
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You gotta dream.