Check out this mountain bike video inspired by the 1980s sci-fi film Tron.

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This is what happens when you glue hundreds of LED bulbs to the rear rims of a couple of bicycles and have someone who’s really, really good at visual effects and editing.

To be frank about it, the first one minute and forty seconds of the video can be fast forwarded through. It’s all so-so slomo, moody muzak and not actually that interesting.

Just jump straight to 1m 40s and get to the Tron light-trail stuff. That’s the whole point of this video after all. Harsh maybe, but fair.

Mike Gamble media say: “LIGHT CYCLES began as a dream, developed into a problem and spawned into a burning desire to create something that had never been done before. – ‘How can we create a Tron Light Bike effect, on a mountain bike?’

“Before we began testing, we had no idea if what we wanted to achieve was physically possible with the resources at our disposal. By the time we’d conducted our initial tests, we were all blown away by the results that we went ahead and continued creating this film.”