Weight: 68g / Extra long version / Colours: white, black, gold
Contact: Ison Distribution 01223 213800

PB locks his bike at the station every day and over the last year it’s been stolen, vandalised twice and, on one occasion, someone pinched the quick release skewers. They left the wheels behind, so he thinks it’s local toe-rags messing about but to be on the safe side he now uses old Kryptonite security skewers, which can only be removed with a specific tool. Halo’s Hex skewers are less secure than this because they can be removed using a standard 5mm Allen key, but they’re still safer than hand-removable QRs.
A small tab on the nut locates in the drop-out and stops it spinning when tightening the bolt. In case it doesn’t work, which might be the case with some frames or forks, there are flats for a 15 cone spanner. An XL version is offered for thick dropouts and there are three colours.
Not really secure, but if you want to save a bit of weight where it counts this is one way to do it.